Key features:
- 2 input channels + 2 calculated channels
- Sample-accurate display and calculations
- Can be used with any Audio input signal (internal or external - sound card required)
- Input signal math operations (*):
- Add/Substitute/Multiply/Divide channels
- Invert
- Square root
- Differentiation
- Integration
- High- and Low-pass filters with Cutoff frequency control
- Vertical scroll and zoom (*)
- Horizontal scroll and zoom<
- Trigger with level control and pre/post signal calculation control (*)
- Signal freeze (*)
- Vertical scroll and zoom per channel
- Input gains control for original and calculated signals separately (*)
- Measure items - Peak-Peak and Frequency - with freeze, calculation rate and pre/post signal calculation control (*):
- Current
- Mean
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Standard Deviation
- Count
- Signal freeze (*)
- Display settings (*):
- Red/Green/Blue volume
- Transparency level
- Brightness and fade levels
- Filled rectangles or lines (with width control)
- Original-to-Calculated signal display level ratio control
- Signal sample rate factor and global intensity controls
- Many useful presets embedded in the application
(*) Items are channel-independent

The NI Reaktor instrument is delivered on e-mail after purchase is made at our online shop.